Sunday, October 21, 2012

Putting the first wet sand day to good use

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Mandalas in the Classroom

Throughout the year we often introduce the mandala templates and apply it to different mediums. We start with the simple circles drawn on tissue or wax paper and set them on the light table with several natural materials available for placement.
We got this idea fromthe Flight of Whimsy blog spot (
Who got her idea from Casa Maria's Blogspot
I wanted to develop an opportunity for the kids to explore this art form on their own. I created a terra-cotta clay mandala with a bag of items and tweezers that the kids can take off the shelf and play with. Of course we are always finding items that belong elsewhere in the classroom on the mandala too (legos, crayons,erasers).
For more inspiration on child created mandalas check out this pinterest board: